
Fueled by intense boredom of the daily grind and free hotel accommodation, we packed our bags for a weekend in casino-littered Macau. A city that boasts a fusion of cultures (the most obvious ones being Chinese and Portuguese) and a sense of opulence and magnificence and blinkity-blinkity-blinky lights and what-have-yous, it sure makes for some very interesting street shots.


WHITE LADY. One of my favorite shots taken in this trip, this features a platinum blonde lady all in — yes, you guessed it right– ALL IN WHITE. I mean, who on earth would want to wear white while traveling anyway?! Apparently this lady, tsk. But good for me because she served as a great centerpiece to the hustle and bustle of Sunday-afternoon markets heading towards the Ruins of St. Paul’s Cathedral. Doesn’t hurt that I was able to make her appear all blown-out and contrasty to everyone else.

Largo do Senado Night Market
Chestnut vendors at the side-streets snaking out of Senado Square. Don’t kill me, lady.

Several abandoned-looking sofas in front of some club along Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen.

Two kids playing along Travessa Sao Domingos.

Another one for my “They Come in Two’s” project. We were strolling from Mandarin Oriental and came across these two enjoying a moment right at the edge of the dock with the view of the tower right smack in their lines of sight (though I’m pretty sure they don’t care about anything else but their conversation). They also apparently didn’t care about the chains that were supposed to mean “Do Not Enter”.

NO, THAT’S NOT SLENDERMAN, DON’T WORRY. But the silhouette through the right window (the windows seem like huge square eyes but maybe that’s just me) is also a tiny bit creepy.

A worker just doing his job amidst the gaggle of tourists flocking to Senado Square that Sunday. PS — I dunno if it’s always this busy during Sundays or it was only because of some Chinese New Year celebration thingy we ran into the moment we arrived there.

Men ready to hit the slots. I mean, what’s there to do in Macau except go to casinos anyway? Well, except walk around in circles and be blinded by the lights, of course. Shot as we were chatting with some youngsters trying to play music in the underpass and my attention wandered away to another part of the tunnel.

You can find musicians in tunnels / underpasses / streets / rotundas all over the world so I guess this one ain’t pretty special.

I suppose she thinks she looks cool; I don’t by the fact that she’s holding one of my most hated objects in her right hand.

Caught this guard in an amusing pose but he was just actually stretching his probably tired legs. Also, I didn’t see the men at the bottom of the ladder and the one man fixing the lights until I viewed this during processing. I think they added a little something-something into an otherwise blah photo.

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Granny strolling into the (inevitable, for all of us) future. I mean, we’ll all be skeletons eventually. Or zombies.

ESPRIT POUR HOMME. Dude seemed content on posing right in front of the store and he was there for a loooong time, enough to make me think that he might be part of some marketing scheme.

A man contemplating the order of the universe — or some other shit — with the Macau Science Center in the background.

A couple strolling through the Dr. Carlos D’assumpcao Park amidst people content on just sitting away their lunch break. Makes for a nice contrast for me, movement-wise. And yes, we followed them for a looong time.

FIN. Time to go home.